
Combine Your PhD With MBA-Level Mentoring That Is Required For Management Positions In Industry

Introducing The Science MBA Career Track

Increase your professional value by accessing MBA-level mentoring that will enable you to transition from academia directly to a management-level position in industry.

The Science MBA Career Track materials will help you increase your business acumen and help you with industry concepts that will show employers you are a business professional.

Welcome To The Science MBA Career Track

  • Get promoted from your current entry-level position into a management-level position 5-8 years ahead of schedule.
  • Learn the entire curriculum of top MBA programs without having to pay the standard $238,800 in tuition and fees.
  • Get access to management-level networking and job search strategies, including proven management-level resume templates.
  • Receive Mentoring from instructors who attended Top 10 MBA schools.

“The Science MBA Career Track successfully partnered my scientific expertise with business knowledge and strategies, which immediately elevated my career to a management-level.”

“Thanks to the Science MBA Career Track, I was able to make a positive impression on top employers and get hired, proving that PhDs who have business acumen are valuable. ”

“The Science MBA Career Track modules provide a good blueprint of business concepts and the private Science MBA group complements this by diving more specifically into particular business ideas with real world examples. ”

Here’s What You Get Immediate Access To When You Become A Cheeky Scientist Association Diamond Member…

…and take an inside look at the Science MBA Career Track in this live demonstration.

Change Your Career Trajectory… Starting NOW

“The Science MBA Career Track is exactly what PhDs need to understand the world of business without having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars or pounds or euros etc. This program will ensure that you understand core business concepts like economics, operations management, organizational behavior, quantitative analysis, mergers & acquisitions, restructuring, corporate strategy, corporate culture, corporate hierarchy, and much more. I can tell you from experience that as a PhD, you will struggle to be seen as a business professional without understanding these concepts. If you want to start being seen as management material and as someone worthy of a senior position, the Science MBA Career Track is right for you.”

Ramya Raman Ph.D., M.B.A.
Medical Science Liaison at Exact Sciences
Former Medical Science Liaison at Syneos Health Pharmaceuticals
Former Business Development Staff at Prevencio, Inc.
Former Product Marketer at Cardiac Insight, Inc.

“The Science MBA Career Track will give you access to the MBA-level information and MBA-level network you need to secure your first management role in industry. Through a series of advanced videos, documents, and tutorials, you will learn the core curriculum of today’s top-level MBA programs. Our instructors have PhD and MBA degrees, as well as real management experience in the biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, and biomedical industries. As an Science MBA Career Track member, you’ll gain exclusive access to our private network of industry managers. Whether you’re an industry professional or an academic postdoctoral fellow, this program will show you exactly how to transition into the management position of your choice. If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a manager in industry, the Science MBA Career Track is for you.”

Aja Rich, M.S., M.B.A.
Director of New Products, Gastroenterology at Takeda
Former Strategy & Operations Chief of Staff at Baxter
Former Senior Manager, Oncology Division at Amgen
Received MBA from Darden Graduate School of Business Admin (Top 10 U.S. MBA Program)

Meet Your Science MBA Mentors

Ramya Raman, PhD, MBA

Medical Science Liaison at Exact Sciences

Vinojini Nair, PhD

Senior Manager at KPMG Australia

Thomas Cordonnier, PhD, MBA

Software Engineer at Capgemini

Antonio Martins, PhD, MBA

Alliance Manager at Merck

Michael Smith, PhD

Vice President at Align Technology

Alice Kones, PhD

Sr. Analyst at Citi

Roman Levytskyy, PhD, MBA

Staff Scientist at City of Hope

Ratika Datta, PhD, MBA

Consultant at Market Express

Listen To What Current Diamond Members Have To Say About The Program

Lin Zhang-Chen PhD
Clinical Research Scientist at Kao Corporation

Milind Nigam, PhD
Scientific Consulting Manager at Benchling

Clare Chang, PhD
Senior Leader at AstraZeneca

Only 2% Of Fortune 500 CEOs Have PhDs.

Imagine what you can do with your PhD training in a C-suite position…

  • You could develop treatments and technologies that change the world.
  • You could bring life-saving medicine, information, products, and services to the public.
  • You could use your PhD training to make a REAL impact…the one thing you’ve always wanted to do.

Our Goal Is To Increase This Number To 51%.

The Old System Versus The New System Of Pursuing An Industry Career As A PhD

The answer to your career woes is right in front of you, but there is a devastating problem you have to face.

You’ve worked tirelessly for years and years… and yet, here you are, waiting in line for an entry-level position that…

  • Pays very little.
  • Has you answering to more than one boss.
  • Doesn’t fully leverage your intellect and technical skills.
  • Requires a degree like a BS or MSc, but not a PhD.
  • Starts you at the very bottom rung of the corporate ladder.
  • Takes you many years to earn a higher, more respectable position.
  • Even though you have the coveted three letters behind your name, industries refuse to pay you top dollar or start you in a leading position UNLESS you have business, corporate, and marketing skills.

As a result,

This Old System of pursuing an industry career as a PhD has gone on for far too long…

The New System of pursuing an industry career as a PhD ensures that you get paid what you’re worth, are able to do meaningful work, quickly transition into a management-level position, and finish your career in the C-suite.

PhDs were NOT meant to lose their confidence, accept job offers and salaries that BS and MSc degree holders can get, and finish their career in entry-level positions.

You were meant to do more with your PhD.

The Old System

The New System

PhDs Without MBA-Level Training Take 5-8 Years To Become Managers

If you do start your industry career in an entry-level position, or wait too long to get your first promotion, it will take you 5-8 years on average to finally get into a management-level position.

Why There Are So Few PhDs In “C-Suite” Industry Positions

When you are a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Scientific Officer, Chief Information Officer, or Chief Research Officer, you are a top leader.

When you hold one of these titles, you are officially in the “C-suite” of industry.

Here’s the problem:

C-suite titles REQUIRE your unique skills and high level of education, BUT companies want candidates with management training for C-suite level positions.

This is not because PhDs can’t be CEOs, it’s because academia has convinced these PhDs that they can’t do anything but work in entry-level positions as subordinates.

At the same time, many industry hiring managers and high-level decision-makers have been convinced that PhDs are too one-dimensional and lack the business knowledge they need to do anything but work in entry-level positions.

Change Your Career Trajectory… Starting NOW

As a Diamond Member, you will have a custom roadmap to the exact management-level position you want in industry.

Once you’re officially in the Diamond Program, you will be taught by MBA graduates from Top 10 MBA programs in the world.

These professionals will give you access to the business knowledge and strategies you need to get in the management-level position of your choice. These professionals are already in management positions in industry, making money, networking, and loving life.

The Science MBA Career Track delivers the necessary corporate strategy, organizational behavior, quantitative analysis, economics, management hiring, and industry-insider tools and techniques that you are REQUIRED to know in management-level positions in industry.

Do You Really Want To Work Hard For Another 5-8 Years To Get Into A Management-Level Position?

The only way to avoid this is to get access to the MBA-level mentoring you need to enter management-level positions now, not later.

MBA-level Mentoring is the ONE DIFFERENCE that separates PhDs stuck in entry-level industry positions from PhDs in management-level industry positions.

As a PhD with a valuable set of skills that will improve the world, you have the training and intellect you need to get hired or promoted into a management-level position in industry.

And yet, you’re not taken seriously for non-academic jobs.

Instead, you are seen as an outsider in industry — as nothing more than a lifetime academic with zero business knowledge.

Do you ever wish that you had an extra couple hundred thousand dollars and a few extra years so that you could get an MBA and walk into a high-paying management position?

If you have the business acumen provided by Masters of Business Administration programs, industry leaders who pay top-dollar salaries will begin to take notice.

Not many scientists have business skills — certainly not on par with the nation’s top university training programs. Despite your scientific and technological expertise, you may get caught in a trap, feeling as if…

  • No hiring manager will take you seriously for a management-level position.
  • You will have to spend another 5-10 years climbing your way up the industry ladder, starting at an entry-level position that can be filled by BS and MSc degree holders.
  • You will fail in business overall.

The hard part is, you have scientific training — and a lot of it — and you don’t want to waste more time and money going to MBA School.

At the same time, you do NOT want to transition into an entry-level role that any BS or MSc degree-holder can do (this would be embarrassing for any PhD who has been in school for over 20 years).

There’s a way out of your situation.

As A Scientist, You Know That Numbers Don’t Lie. Take A Look At The Data…

$238,800 — the average total cost of a Harvard MBA.

96% — the percentage of MBA-trained professionals who transition directly into management positions.

$116,154 — the average salary of a professional with MBA-level training.

$20,857 — the mean signing bonus for management positions in scientific industries.

$30,000 — the average year-end bonus for MBA-trained managers in nonacademic jobs.

*Source: Career Center Report and the Harvard Business School Bulletin.

Want A More Direct Comparison? Take A Look At These Numbers…

$8934.92 — the average monthly gross for industry professionals WITH management training.

$4199.15 — the average monthly gross for PhDs WITHOUT management training.

$4735.77 — the difference in monthly compensation between PhDs and industry professionals with management training.

That’s right, you instantly double your average monthly income by getting MBA-level mentoring and transitioning into a management position.

What does this mean?

If the Diamond Program helps you transition into a management position even one week sooner, it will be well worth it.

($4735.77)/(4 weeks/month) = $1,183.94

That’s how much MORE you’ll be paid each week in a management-level position versus an entry-level position in industry.

Do You Ever Feel As If All Your Years Of School, Training, Publications, And Hard Work Have All Been For Nothing?

When you learn management hiring skills, corporate strategies, organizational behavior, quantitative analysis, and economic principles, industries will compete to have you in management positions that actually use your skills.

You’ll be recruited into positions that actually challenge you, NOT positions that bore you.

The MBA-level mentoring provided by the Science MBA Career Track allows you to break free from the limitations set by academia.

By becoming a Diamond member, you’ll get access to the information and network you need to transition directly into the management position of your choice…

WITHOUT racking up student debt or spending even more valuable time in academia.

This is exactly what many other Science MBA Career Track Alums have been able to do.

Comparison Of MBA-Level Training

With the Science MBA Career Track PhDs Can Add MBA Knowledge To Their Resumes…Without Paying $238,800 In Additional Tuition

The Science MBA Career Track offers a series of advanced videos, documents, and tutorials where you will learn the core curriculum of today’s top-level MBA programs.

Our Science MBA Career Track instructors have PhD and MBA degrees, as well as real management experience in the biotechnological, biopharmaceutical, and biomedical industries.

As a Diamond Member, you’ll gain exclusive access to our private network of MBAs and industry managers.

Whether you’re an academic postdoctoral fellow or current industry professional, this program will show you exactly how to transition into the management position of your choice.

“The Science MBA Career Track and private group have been instrumental in boosting my confidence and helping me to have business-level conversations with industry professionals.”

“The Science MBA Career Track helped understand the organization of different companies, as well as how culture and ethics play important roles in different companies. I really enjoy the case studies discussed in the private group.”

“I considered doing a full-time MBA program but realized that it would not only cost me $160,000+ for the MBA tuition, but it would also cost me $200,000+ of unemployment for the years I would be in school and not working. The Science MBA Career Track was a much better option!”

Here Is A Detailed Overview Of Each Module…

Module #1 – MBA Foundations (Part 1)

In Module #1, you’ll discover the basics and grasp the concepts of sales and marketing, organizational behavior, quantitative analysis, economics, and ethics.

Using 5 different topics, 5 quizzes, 2 case studies, and 1 exam, you will have a vast knowledge of…

  • Scarcity, microeconomics and macroeconomics, and behavioral economics.
  • How to leverage marketing with the 4 P’s — product, price, promotion, and place.
  • Advertising and selling principles — micro-level, meso-level, and macro-level behaviors.
  • How to leverage Google and Amazon.
  • The difference between connection and output.
  • How to gather, analyze, and use big data and mathematical modeling for major industries, such as telecom and banking.
  • The ins and outs of Value-at-Risk and From-Bench-to-Bedside.
  • How to maximize efficiency and profit.
  • The difference between Just-in-Time and Just-in-Case manufacturing.

Module #2 – MBA Foundations (Part 2)

In Module #2, you’ll master the second half of MBA Foundations.

During Module #2, you will get a firm grasp on…

  • Corporate strategy and how to manage a big business.
  • Management consulting.
  • The blunders and successes of small businesses.
  • The differences between personal and corporate banking.
  • Financial products in accounting and corporate strategy.
  • Financial statements, such as balance sheets, income statements, cash-flow statements, investing, and operations.
  • The meaning and importance behind “Cash is King.”
  • Ethics mastery, including enforceable laws and frameworks, corporate social responsibility, and business policy and regulation.
  • Company culture guidelines for startups and corporations.
  • Human resources and talent acquisition.

Module #3—Industry Structure

In module #3, you’ll discover the structure of the world’s biggest and highest paying industries that need PhDs who have business acumen.

In this module, you will master…

  • Industry hierarchy, including organizational hierarchy levels and the difference between managers and workers.
  • Formal and collaborative methodology.
  • Corporation types, which include monopolies, for-profits, and nonprofits.
  • How to implement measuring management with respect to budgeting and deadlines.
  • The ins and outs of private companies, including size and structure, equity, hiring, and operations.
  • Analysis of cost versus benefits.
  • The anatomy of public companies, including size and structure, shareholders, management, bureaucracy, salary caps, and regulation.
  • Government industries, including the services and drivers.
  • Electoral cycles, societal fairness, and funding.
  • The problem with the lack of innovation and rate of change in funding.
  • The difference between startups and small companies.
  • Securing investors and venture capital.

Module #4—Management Activities

Module #4 prepares you for the daily activities and operations performed once you land your new management position.

You will discover…

  • Mergers and acquisition techniques.
  • Merger partners, target companies, and the problem with redundancy.
  • Employee effects of mergers — including pay rate.
  • Why acquisitions occur, examples of acquisitions, and how to negotiate.
  • Target company management and acquiring company management.
  • Restructuring companies relative to the economy and corporate strategy.
  • Examples of successful and failed corporate restructuring.
  • Restructuring goals, including profitability and competitiveness.
  • Friendly and hostile takeovers.
  • The difference between public and private takeovers—including shareholder considerations.
  • Bankruptcy laws, insolvency, liquidation, creditor considerations, and chapter 11.
  • Why startups often fail.

Module #5—Management Networking (Part 1)

When it comes to climbing the corporate ladder quickly, it’s not what you know but whom you know that matters.

Module #5 removes the guesswork of networking. You will discover…

  • Why networking is vital and how to develop your knowledge.
  • Confidence indicators and quality communication traits.
  • Networking scripts.
  • Relationship-building techniques.
  • Online, offline, and social media networking strategies.
  • Maintaining rapport with professional communities.
  • Following up with prospects.
  • Networking through personal websites.
  • LinkedIn growth and statistics.
  • Building a quality LinkedIn profile, including photos, headlines, secondary connections, introductions, keywords, and common mistakes.
  • Email networking knowledge — including how to speak with current and new contacts, canned emails, and
  • reconnecting with cold contacts.
  • Phone networking knowledge, which include finding the numbers of hiring managers and recruiters, cold calling, and phone introduction.
  • Professionalism, voice, and tone.

Module #6—Management Networking (Part 2)

They say that “relationship riches” are the best form of currency. That’s true in the world of industry.

In Module #6, you’ll discover…

  • How to do event networking, including event mindset, navigating webpages, following up, and adding value.
  • Communication knowledge — including different skill types and body language.
  • How to combine strength with warmth.
  • Your personal tics.
  • When to execute the elevator pitch and how to answer the questions of “who are you?” and “what do you want?”
  • How to establish a unique selling proposition.
  • The difference between a proposition and a pitch.
  • Determining the right proposition, including differentiation and specialty.
  • Your personal value proposition.
  • How to conquer public speaking once and for all — including your purpose and audience identification, delivery, clarity, organization, and the “rule of three.”
  • How to engage and ease an audience, pause for effect, establish a conversational tone, and overcome anxiety.

Module #7—Management Resumes

There’s a big difference between an academic CV, entry-level resume, and a management resume.

In Module #7, you will learn how to…

  • Write a persuasive resume.
  • List your achievements and job duties.
  • Establish a visual center and professional summary.
  • Outline your work experience and education.
  • Find the purpose and audience.
  • Work your way around how industries filter candidates, including tracking software, eye-tracking studies, keywords, and job advertisements.
  • Leverage transferable knowledge, such as people, product, and information management, as well as market knowledge.
  • Use competitive intelligence, industry trends, and commercial acumen.
  • Create results versus responsibilities and demonstrate outcomes.
  • Learn from the best-example structures — including situation, complication, and resolutions.
  • Stand out in the recruitment process.
  • Leverage your technical knowledge with keywords and industry jargon.

Module #8—Management Interviews & Offers

Now it’s time to learn what to do with an offer and how to interview.

In Module #8, you will gain the MBA-level knowledge required to…

  • Use referral statistics, phone screens, site visits, presentations, and the Management-STAR method to your advantage.
  • Prepare for your interview and know the corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions, department restructuring, and culture.
  • Leverage your talking points and internal sponsors.
  • Follow up the right way and use referral workflow.
  • Interview your interviewer.
  • Make a positive first impression with the correct body language, pitch and proposition, and questions.
  • Avoid desperation and many other mistakes.
  • Handle credential questions, opinion questions, behavioral questions, and the difference between situational and subjective responses.
  • Ace personality tests, stress tests, and competency questions.
  • Negotiate your job offers with the correct attitude and approach.
  • Discuss your salary and benefits.
  • Ask open-ended questions and offer counters when appropriate.
  • Know when to reject or accept an offer.

Scientists Ask The Right Questions. Here Is The Qualitative Data You Are Looking For…


As an academic, we know you’re busy. That’s why, if you’re already in an entry-level industry position, writing your thesis, getting married, or working for a slave-driving PI or boss, you don’t have to worry about missing out. This means you can never “fall behind.”

You get to determine the pace of the program. As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive a welcome email with your personal username and password. This login information will allow you to access the private webpage where you can start to work your way through the first module.

You will also receive immediate access to the private online group as well as a special introductory video series from several of our Esteemed Science MBA consultants and team members.


The Science MBA Career Track is specifically designed to help current entry-level industry employees, postdoctoral fellows, and PhD candidates determine which management-level industry positions are a good fit for their technical and transferable skills.

Many Science MBAs are not 100% certain which management career track they want to follow. However, they are certain that they want to be on a management career track. If you’re at all interested in a management-level position, the Science MBA Career Track is the best and fastest way to figure out which position will meet your needs.

Do not make the mistake of waiting for the right management position to find you. The only way to find the right management-level position for you is to first get the management-level mentoring you need to understand what each position fully entails.


It’s simple: the more you put into the program, the more you’ll get out of it.

Other factors that will affect how much time you will need for the Science MBA Career Track include:

How much prior industry training you have.
How experienced you are with basic technology.
Your overall clarity and how quickly you make decisions.
Whether or not you choose to participate in the comments and conversations in our private online groups (these are recommended, but optional).
Whether or not you show up to the live webinars and engage with the presenters in real time by asking questions.
If you choose to go through the program live with us and fully participate in every aspect of the course (live webinars, comments, conversations in the community, etc.), a very rough time estimate would be 5-10 hours per week for the first eight weeks, and 2-5 hours per week for the next few weeks, or until you get the management-level job of your choice.

However, if you simply want to digest the material and take a more rapid learning approach to the Science MBA Career Track, you’ll need approximately 3-5 hours the first three weeks and 1-2 hours a week thereafter.


We strongly believe that a manager’s network is their net worth. Being part of a community of like-minded professionals who are dedicated to their own personal and professional success should be an important part of your career strategy.

Surrounding yourself with people who are dedicated to their career goals will keep you motivated and moving forward. We treat the members of this group as friends, and we encourage you to participate and build lifelong friends as well.

There is a private and very friendly Facebook group of new and old Cheeky Scientist members, some of which are senior managers, vice presidents, and even CEOs, who are constantly supporting each other with questions, answers, and comments on topics ranging from current job openings and new management-level industry positions to networking event information and advanced LinkedIn strategies.


You are an intelligent PhD, which means that you know that no program will work unless you work. If you’re expecting the Science MBA Career Track, or anything else, to magically solve your problems, please do not sign up. This is not some weekend retreat where you come in and hear a bunch of empty motivational words and then go back to whatever it is you were doing before.

The program is designed to help you to not just get your first industry job, but to help you get promoted and stay one step ahead for the rest of your career. This means we actually care that you learn and implement our material.

That’s why you must agree upon registration to our 14-Day Refund Policy. In order to be eligible for a refund, you must submit your completed answers and notes to all modular exercises, quizzes, and exams, including all private group homework within 14 days of the start of the program.

We know that if you do the work, you will achieve results and get an awesome industry job. We’re challenging you to think and behave differently than the average PhD. You cannot just learn this material and stop working. Knowledge is not the end result here. You must apply the knowledge you learn. We put a tremendous amount of energy into the program, and you need to match that energy. Unified effort — you working hard and us working hard for you — is what will make you successful.


Collectively our team of  Mentors and Consultants have worked in over 35 different countries around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, South Africa, Brazil, Peru, India, Singapore, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and many more. As a result, we have incredible insight into how things work in all types of organizations, governments, and industrial systems.

Most industry skills are the same from one country to the next. In particular, developing your communication and interpersonal skills is one of the most important factors in getting hired globally. The Science MBA Career Track accounts for this by guiding you with content that has been approved internationally. We have also recently added a new International PhD Visa Supplement to the program. These documents include information on obtaining Visa support, creating proper International CVs, and getting noticed by International recruiters and hiring managers.

2% of CEOs at Fortune 500 companies have PhDs (Forbes)
51% of CEOs should have PhDs. This is the Science MBA Career Track's goal.
5-8 Years is how long it normally takes PhDs to get promoted into management-level positions (Rasmussen).
88% is how much more likely employers are to hire job candidates with management training (McKinsey).
3 of 4 employers are more likely to hire PhDs with an MBA or similar credentials on their resume (New Market).
$238K is the average cost of tuition for a full-time MBA program. The Diamond Program is less than 0.25% of this cost.

We help PhDs from every discipline get into many different types of careers, including Scientist MBA.

We show you how to leverage the skills you already have to get hired into a myriad of industry jobs, including Scientist MBA.

We show you how to get the job, not how to do the job because each company has their own proprietary systems and will teach you how to do the job through on-the-job training.

But, before you can get this training, you have to get hired first.

That’s where we come in.

We will guide you on how to use your PhD to get hired into Scientist MBA.