LinkedIn Mastery Ring

Leverage The Power Of LinkedIn To Connect With Your Next PhD Career Opportunity

Introducing The LinkedIn Mastery Ring

Get The Knowledge To Structure Your Online Image So You Can Create A LinkedIn Profile In Your Personal Brand And Build The Connections That Will Get You Hired Today

Here’s What You Get Access To When You Become A LinkedIn Mastery Ring Member…

The LinkedIn Mastery Ring Is Designed for PhDs Who Want To…

  • Learn how LinkedIn compares with other job search platforms and why PhDs who want to transition into industry or advance their careers should invest in LinkedIn.
  • Find out how to build a compelling professional brand and increase their visibility on LinkedIn.
  • Discover how employers use LinkedIn to inform decisions on what to highlight in their profile and how to engage their network.
  • Get detailed information on how to fill out every single LinkedIn profile section as well as common mistakes to avoid.
  • Gain access to proven strategies for making new connections, adding value, and generating referrals.
  • Become familiar with all the features available through LinkedIn Basic and Premium accounts.
  • Increase their Social Selling Index (SSI) score to attract recruiters, find new clients for their business, and/or gain recognition as a top expert in their target industry.

LinkedIn Connects Top Professionals, Employers, And Recruiters...

740 million Current LinkedIn members across over 200 countries, making it the world’s largest professional network.
55 million Companies with a LinkedIn Company Page that LinkedIn members use to conduct job searches and gain important insights into their target companies.
90k schools & 36k extertise Options available on LinkedIn for Professionals to portray their unique personal brand through their profile.
87% of all employers and recruiters use LinkedIn for hiring
14 million open opportunities as part of LinkedIn’s vision to “create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce” on LinkedIn Jobs.

If You’re A PhD Looking To Transition Out Of Academia, See If You Answer YES To These Questions…

  • Do you want to know how to optimize your LinkedIn profile so that employers and recruiters start reaching out to you instead of the other way around?
  • Do you want to gain access to professionals already working in your target industry or at your target companies and the insights that they can provide?
  • Do you want to take advantage of the hidden job market and referrals to speed up your job search?
  • Do you want specific procedures you can follow to find new connections, reach out, and grow your professional network?
  • Do you want to find out what to post (and when to post it) to achieve maximum visibility on the world’s largest and most trusted professional networking platform?
  • Do you want to understand LinkedIn’s various subscription options so you can make the best investment for your specific career goals?

Investing On Your Personal Brand And LinkedIn Profile Can Improve All Aspects Of Your Professional Life

LinkedIn isn’t something that you will use just when you are job hunting.

It’s a tool that you can leverage to build a network that will be there for you at every step of you career.

But using LinkedIn successfully, requires you to understand certain rules.

If you want to increase your chances of leveraging LinkedIn for skyrocket your career, you can’t just go about it blindly.

You need detailed information on what approaches to use. You can’t afford to start networking or applying for jobs while having a bare bone LinkedIn profile that doesn’t portray you like an industry professional. You can’t risk burning bridges because you don’t know what the right etiquette is.

To avoid blunders like these, you’ll want to know how to build a LinkedIn profile and how to engage on LinkedIn from the beginning.

The Keys To Getting Noticed On LinkedIn

You might think that filling out your LinkedIn profile just like you would fill out a resume is enough to impress employers and potential connections. Yet, your LinkedIn is not your resume. While your resume should portray your past accomplishments, your LinkedIn needs to show where you are heading in your career future. Knowing how to use LinkedIn to tell your professional story will ensure you attract the people and opportunities that are the right fit for your goals.
Knowing where and how each of LinkedIn’s features fits in your professional storytelling efforts will help you create a compelling brand that gets you noticed by top employers and clients. It will also make it easier to engage with your industry, grow your network, and advance your career.

Investing In Your LinkedIn Profile Will Unlock Your Future Career Opportunities

LinkedIn isn’t just for your first transition from academia into industry.

Your LinkedIn profile is your professional billboard for your entire career.

The tools and features available through LinkedIn can aid you whether you are conducting a job search, looking for clients for your business, boosting your professional reputation, or staying up to date with trends in your industry.

The most successful professionals know exactly how to use these tools. They know when and how to change their LinkedIn profile to match their changing career goals. They know what content to post and when to post it to get the maximum response from their network. They know how to identify new valuable connections, how to add value to their professional network, and how to use LinkedIn to become recognized as a leader in their industry. In doing so, they facilitate their connection with their next opportunity as well as their career advancement.

If you want to maximize the return you receive from your LinkedIn usage, you can’t just perform these activities blindly.

You need detailed information on what strategies to use for LinkedIn success. During a job search, you can’t afford to portray yourself on LinkedIn as another “academic PhD,” irrelevant, out of touch, or out of date. You can’t risk revealing that you don’t know the etiquette that governs professional online interactions.

To avoid blunders like these, you’ll want to thoroughly understand how LinkedIn works and exactly how you can use LinkedIn to achieve your career goals.

As Soon As You Join The LMR, You Will Also Get Immediate Access To The Following…

  • A complete guide that explains everything you need to know about LinkedIn to advance your career. You’ll learn how to set and implement a LinkedIn strategy to achieve your target outcomes, how to use LinkedIn Basic and Premium features, and more. You’ll approach LinkedIn knowing exactly what to do to impress the other professionals, recruiters, and employers that are already looking for you.
    • The LMR describes what you should expect from the LinkedIn algorithm– from how it ranks user profiles to how it determines the visibility of various LinkedIn activities. Instead of settling for a dull minimal LinkedIn profile or a random approach to networking, you’ll be prepared with a concrete action plan to maximize your impact on LinkedIn.
    • Discover what type of LinkedIn account would best suit your current situation and future career goals. Gain knowledge from LinkedIn power users that will help you make savvy decisions as you develop your personal brand.
    • Learn the essentials of a strong LinkedIn profile. Discover how to optimize your visual center, summary, experience, and other LinkedIn sections to convey your unique value as an industry professional.
  • Detailed strategies, procedures, tips, and tricks to follow to build your brand and expand your professional network on LinkedIn. You’ll understand the challenges you’ll face and the mistakes you should avoid when conducting yourself on LinkedIn. With the LMR, you’ll gain knowledge that shows your network that you are already a successful professional who is well worth the time invested in connecting with you.
    • The LMR thoroughly explains all aspects of LinkedIn networking. You’ll learn how to reach out to new connections, add value, follow online professional communication etiquette, and more.
    • Gain important insights into LinkedIn Premium Recruiter. You’ll fully understand how employers are using LinkedIn so you can take action to appear in their talent searches.
    • Discover how to avoid LinkedIn overwhelm. The LMR provides tips and tricks that you can deploy to maintain your LinkedIn engagement and momentum throughout your PhD industry career.

Once You Become A LinkedIn Master, You’ll Experience A Stunning Amount of Responsibility, Opportunities, And Professional Respect

3 Reasons To Join The LinkedIn Mastery Ring

You Want To Make A Career Transition

With over 740,000,000 members, 55,000,000 company pages, and 14,000,000 job listings, LinkedIn offers an ideal platform for job seekers. The LMR explains how you can use LinkedIn to make the connections you need to meet your current job search goals.

You Want To Get Employers To Approach You With Opportunities

The overwhelming majority of employers turn to LinkedIn for their recruiting and hiring needs. The LMR details exactly how to create a LinkedIn profile that sets you apart from your competition so that you are the one these employers contact about their open positions.

You Want To Build Your Brand And Become A Leader In Your Industry

As a PhD, you already possess the experience and knowledge you need to become a top performer in your target industry. The LMR provides specific strategies you can use to establish your unique brand, expand your reach, and bolster your professional reputation.

The LMR Mission

In the LinkedIn Mastery Ring, we’re committed to supporting you on your journey to landing your next industry career.

To achieve our goal, we’ve provided advanced, actionable strategies for success. Our program includes extensive mentoring from LinkedIn power users, cutting-edge LinkedIn strategies, and an intimate group of leading and aspiring PhD professionals to support your transition. 

We understand why you want to leave academia and/or continue your career growth. 

You want to translate your PhD expertise, research abilities, and/or transferable experience to a secure high-paying job that fits your professional lifestyle.

You want to impact companies in different industries and make a difference in the real world.

You want to work at the top level in your industry and gain recognition as a leading innovator. 

But here’s the reality… 

Just because LinkedIn is a powerful tool for career advancement doesn’t mean you can get great results by deploying it haphazardly. 

Frankly, you’re going to need more than a cursory knowledge of LinkedIn to make the best impression with your future employer and other top industry professionals. 

We can help you do just that.

The information we’re providing—from videos to networking scripts—is laser-targeted for LinkedIn and is exclusively for PhDs. 

There are nuances to generating a PhD-level LinkedIn profile, engaging other professionals through LinkedIn activity, and LinkedIn networking that you will find nowhere else.  

The LMR program was built by LinkedIn power users who are familiar with these nuances. They can provide you with tools and advice on how to optimize your LinkedIn usage.

Imagine Networking On LinkedIn, But You Don’t Know...

The Differences Between A LinkedIn Profile And A Resume

As a result, your profile comes across as boring and quickly becomes out of date.


As such, your connection requests are ignored. You keep giving your prospective connections the wrong impression and you become frustrated that your efforts on LinkedIn are not yielding any job leads.

How Employers Use LinkedIn

You know only the most basic information about LinkedIn’s features, and it shows in the way you portray yourself

Here’s the Targeted Mentoring You’ll Receive From The LinkedIn Mastery Ring...

The Power Of LinkedIn

You know that LinkedIn is the best way to get referrals, access the hidden job market, and speed up your job search. This module covers…

  • LinkedIn Strategy. You need a plan to optimize every section of your LinkedIn profile to capture the attention of employers, recruiters, and other top professionals. This module covers the three questions you need to ask yourself to devise a winning strategy for portraying yourself on LinkedIn.
  • Implementing Your Strategy. This module breaks down the procedures for executing your LinkedIn strategy. You’ll learn how to build credibility, increase your visibility, finding hiring managers, and more.
  • The LinkedIn Algorithm. This module explains how LinkedIn automatically decides whether to increase or decrease the visibility of a particular profile or piece of content. You’ll find out how to perfect your profile, what to post, and when to post to maximize your reach on LinkedIn.
  • Engage Your Network. In this module, you’ll learn about how to become a content curator, use hashtags, make comments, and more. These activities will keep your network active and make it easier for you to connect with your next opportunity.

LinkedIn Subscriptions

LinkedIn offers different subscription options that provide features designed to enhance a job search, grow a business, or recruit talent. This module covers…

  • Basic. This module outlines the features and limitations of the free LinkedIn Basic Account. It also discusses when to choose this account type vs. one of the LinkedIn Premium accounts based on your goals and LinkedIn experience.
  • Premium Career And Business. This module highlights the additional features that LinkedIn users can access through a Premium Career or Business account subscription. You’ll learn how you can use these features to get hired, get ahead, and nurture your network.
  • Sales Navigators Pro And Teams. You’ll find out how sales professionals can take advantage of the special features offered through these types of LinkedIn subscriptions to generate leads and track sales metrics.
  • Recruiter. Knowing how employers use LinkedIn will help you tailor your LinkedIn profile to achieve your career objectives. This module details how recruiters and employers use LinkedIn Premium Recruiter accounts for hiring and what you can do to engage recruiters.

The LinkedIn Profile

Using a 5-color dataset with both beads and cells to practice automated compensation and while testing the assumptions of the three rules of compensation. Dr. Bushnell will also work with you in whatever data analysis software you are using to help you properly gate on your cells of interest and to generate flawless figures.

  • General Tips. This module provides the basic guidelines you should follow to convey who you are, your working values, and what problems you can solve. By following these guidelines, you’ll create a profile that motivates other professionals to connect with you and attracts career opportunities.
  • Visual Center. Your LinkedIn profile’s visual center is the most important determinant of how much (or how little) time other professionals decide to invest in learning more about you. This module outlines the components that make up the visual center and how you should set each of them if you want to avoid being ignored.
  • Professional Summary And Experience. This module details the steps you should take to generate a standout LinkedIn summary and experience section. You’ll learn the mistakes commonly made when completing these sections and specific actions you can take to prevent them.
  • Background, Experience, And Accomplishments. This module completely describes these important sections of your LinkedIn profile. You’ll discover how the LinkedIn algorithm weighs each of them and how to fill them out accordingly.

Networking And Personal Brand

You can take control of how others perceive you through your LinkedIn profile. This module covers…

  • Adding Value. This module lists concrete steps you can take to add value to your LinkedIn network so you can cultivate strong diverse professional relationships.
  • Netiquette. There are rules and norms that you should follow when communicating with others online. This module presents these rules as they apply to networking on LinkedIn.
  • How To Reach Out And Find New Connections. To advance your career, you’ll need to continually find and reach out to new connections. This module describes approaches you can use to increase your chances of success in these efforts.
  • Avoiding LinkedIn Overwhelm. Building your network and personal brand on LinkedIn takes time and energy. This module explains how you can set goals, keep track of your connections, schedule LinkedIn time, and more to ensure you get the most benefit out of the investments you make in your LinkedIn.

The LinkedIn Mastery Ring Is Yours For The Taking

We’ve said a lot about the LinkedIn Mastery Ring membership. But the decision is ultimately yours. This is an opportunity to connect with Tim Bushnell, PhD directly and personally, along with his team of flow cytometry experts. This is an opportunity to accelerate your research and to bring fresh insights to your research.

Be sure you don’t simply understand the “what.” Be sure you give the “how” of conducting world-changing research.

Double down on your job search with the LinkedIn Mastery Ring.