Interdisciplinary PhD Guild

Welcome To The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library

The premier job search prep platform designed specifically to help PhDs in the humanities, social sciences, and arts get hired into a rewarding industry position.

Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library

Interdisciplinary PhDs like you are getting paid much less than they are worth and working in a limited environment in academia

…but you can get hired into a high paying industry job that allows you to do meaningful work

Here's What You Get Immediate Access To When You Join the Cheeky Scientist Association Diamond Program..

Leverage Your Interdisciplinary PhD To Get Hired Into A Rewarding Indsutry Position

“As a non-STEM PhD you have a very diverse foundation that you can leverage in a wide range of careers outside of academia whether you plan to do a partial pivot or a full pivot. PhDs with a background in Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts, and other non-STEM disciplines are highly sought after in industry because of their deep understanding of other people. If you want to learn methodologies to get into an industry career to achieve your full potential the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library is the right professional program for you. I look forward to introducing you to the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library.”

“Your PhD in the humanities, social sciences, or the arts gives you a perspective that sets you apart. You can think critically. You can identify patterns in the messiness of human behavior. Your scholarly work has taught you to be rigorous and empathetic, a listener. If you are looking to transition to a career where you can see the impact of your unique abilities, then the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library is the program for you. In the program, you will have access to proven methods to land top industry jobs and access to people who have made the leap—like me! We'll show you how to position yourself so that your worth is clear, how to find paths to roles that align with your abilities and values, and how to build a network to support your pivot. I look forward to supporting you on your journey.”

Don’t Ignore The Facts

Like all PhDs, you were probably told that academia and obtaining your PhD would provide you with security. It was your way to get the job title and lifestyle you always wanted. People would admire and respect you because you worked hard and became a doctor, which is something that less than 2% of the population will ever do.

In reality, 43% of PhD students won’t even GET their PhD within 10 years of starting graduate school. Somehow, PhDs have ended up stuck with a career and lifestyle that are less than they imagined. The amount of Non-STEM PhDs awarded each year has continuously increased over the last two decades, while job openings specific to their study field keeps dropping.

Doctorates Awarded Keep Rising, Even As Number Of Field-Specific Job Openings Drop

“The overall structure of the course is good. I like how the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library provides some examples of actual career paths that Interdisciplinary PhDs can transition into. I felt lost when I was first exploring careers outside the tenure track and having a guide like the one offered in the program would have been useful. The members-only community that the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library offers will help Interdisciplinary PhDs expand their network, which is very helpful when it comes to leaving academia and navigating the job search process. ”

“I liked how the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library offers a step-by-step description of how to set a job search strategy and how PhDs in non-STEM fields may/may not feel as they go through the job search process. The visual displaying of career paths available to humanities/social sciences PhDs is extremely helpful when it comes to creating a transition plan out of academia. Each module includes relevant action items that will help members set their goals and go through their job search at their own pace. ”

“In three words, the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library is REAL, RELEVANT, & RELATEABLE for any PhD in the humanities, social sciences, and arts, currently considering to transition into academia. Each of the modules offers insights that will help these PhDs create a successful job search strategy to secure an industry position. The program will teach you to think strategically and focus on your ultimate why and how to translate that to your career and job search. The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library highlights the most important transferable knowledge for Interdisciplinary PhDs and how you can apply them in the real world. It also shows some relevant positions that Interdisciplinary PhDs can transition into. Finally, the way the program shows you how to set a job search strategy while covering relevant steps like creating a successful LinkedIn profile, resume tips, and how to set smart goals.”

Hello, Interdisciplinary PhD Or PhD Candidate…

  • Are you spending tediously long hours in academia, feeling underpaid, underappreciated, and stuck, not knowing what to do with your PhD?
  • Have you tried to explore non-academic opportunities using your current background and expertise only to find that you don’t know where to start?
  • Have you spent time looking at several industry job postings only to end up feeling overqualified and underqualified at the same time?
  • Have you been attending networking events and reaching out to people on LinkedIn but not getting any responses?

Here's The Hard Truth That PhDs Must Face...

1. Postdocs & Adjunct Professorships Are Skyrocketing

3X is the fold increase in the number of people with PhDs who have had to apply for food stamps, unemployment, or other government assistance (NPR).

360,000 is the number of people with PhDs on government assistance in the U.S. (The Boston Globe).

68,000 is the number of postdocs in the U.S. alone waiting for tenured professorships (The Economist).

2. The COVID pandemic and current recession have been hard on academia, especially humanities and social sciences departments

The hiring and budget freezes in academia caused the number of faculty job openings to decrease by 70% during the 2020-2021 academic cycle (Science).

50+ doctoral programs in the humanities and social sciences won’t be admitting new students in the fall of 2021, as a response to the pandemic (The Chronicle Of Higher Education).

Fewer than one-fourth of the faculty in 1970 taught part-time; now it is about one-half (Forbes).

Most of the recent budget cuts in colleges and universities are targeted to humanities and social science departments (The New York Times).

3. Most PhDs End Up Unemployed At Some Point

Non-STEM PhDs take an average of 41% longer to graduate than STEM PhDs (Nature).

450 tenure-track jobs open for every 1,100 PhDs awarded in a given humanities/social science area (Brookings)

In 2019 and 2020, Non-STEM PhDs were almost twice as likely as STEM PhDs to end up unemployed (Nature).

Change Your Perspective

Imagine getting ready to leave your postdoc or getting ready to defend your thesis and having dozens of jobs waiting for you—fighting for you.

What would that be like?

If you don’t change your old perspective and your old strategy, it will never happen.

If you don’t change your old perspective and your old strategy, nothing will ever change.

No matter where you are in your career, it’s not too late to get into a high-paying job that allows you to leverage your specific PhD background and unique experiences.

There is a widespread belief that Interdisciplinary PhDs have narrow job prospects outside of academia, and must continue hunting for their place in a faculty to be successful. This is not true. PhDs in the humanities, social sciences, and arts have been successfully moving to careers in industry for a long time (The Atlantic).

No Matter Your Academic Background, You Can Transition Into A Variety Of Rewarding Industry Positions

The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library Is A Group Of Interdisciplinary PhDs Who Want To Transition Into Industry Or Are Currently Working In Different Industry Positions

Our exclusive Interdisciplinary PhD group is private and provides a number of PhD mentors, ensuring we can provide personalized guidance.

The career library is hyper-focused and the private group will support you by filling in your knowledge gaps about industry positions and their hiring process.

In the private group, PhDs with non-STEM backgrounds, currently working in industry are committed to providing a high level of service within this intimate community.

This means you’ll enjoy a high ratio of mentors to members.

You’ll appreciate how the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library is designed to provide personalized guidance and swift feedback.

“The list of transferable experiences is gold. It can be very hard for PhDs to see how their abilities are valuable in a range of applications, and I’d say that’s doubly true for those of us in a field outside of the hard sciences who are looking for a full or partial pivot. It would take a person a long time to piece together this level of understanding, so having a ready-made list included in the materials is a great advantage for members. Also, I found the list of promising careers to be extremely helpful, and I especially liked how they are organized into full and partial pivot categories. It was interesting to learn more about careers I didn’t know about, and I enjoyed unexpected connections between humanities knowledge and career strengths. When I was searching for a job outside of academia, I wished for a list exactly like this. There’s just not a ton of information out there, and it takes a long time to search out and try to understand different careers while looking for something that might be a good fit. The list isn’t comprehensive (no list could be), but I think it would be a great start and a huge leg up for anyone.”

“The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library offers a lot of materials that will help humanities and social science PhDs set up their job search. It starts by covering negative self-talk and imposter syndrome and how to tackle those issues and stay motivated. It also focuses on how you can use storytelling to create your professional elevator pitch. The way the program presents the transferable experiences that humanities and social sciences PhDs have helps translate those qualities into real-life examples, like bullet points on a resume. I think the description of full and partial pivot positions from PhDs outside of academia is a great point. It is something I myself have been wrestling to articulate and found it particularly useful. The HPG also includes Facebook post prompts and journaling activities, which will help PhDs organize their job search and take advantage of the community.”

“I like how the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library is structured to help humanities and social sciences PhDs set up their job search. The materials explain the main categories of transferable knowledge that humanities PhD have and how they are relevant in industry. HPG also sets up a well-structured blueprint that will help members set up their job search strategy. It also covers essential aspects of the interview process like the elevator pitch and how to use the STAR method to drive the interview and create a good impression.”

The Career Library Is Designed For PhDs Who Want To…

  • Get information specifically about transitioning into a wide variety of industry careers where they can apply the transferable qualities they developed during graduate school
  • Learn how to write a resume & CV that hiring managers will actually respond to
  • Become more confident in their interviewing abilities
  • Create the perfect LinkedIn profile targeted to their dream industry position
  • Find out what industry positions will fit their personal circumstances and professional goals
  • Know what options they have outside of their niche subject area
  • Get insights into the importance of networking and how they can take advantage of their network to propel their industry careers.

The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library Mission

In the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library, we’re committed to supporting you on your journey to landing a top industry position by providing you with advanced, actionable strategies for success.

To do just that, we’ve provided extensive content from current industry professionals, leading-edge resume templates, and guidance by an intimate group of Interdisciplinary PhDs currently working in industry.

We understand why you want to break into this industry.

You want to translate your specific knowledge into innovative insights.

You want to find a job that gives you stability and provides professional and personal fulfillment.

But here’s the reality…

Currently, you are invisible to industry employers and you are going to need a targeted job search strategy to break into your target industry.

It’s our goal to help you do just that.

The information we’re providing—from videos to resumes—focuses specifically on Non-STEM PhDs.

There are nuances to industry roles that you will find nowhere else.

The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library was built by industry professionals who are familiar with your particular situation. They can provide you with tools and advice on how best to secure your dream role.

In the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library, we provide extensive mentoring and personalized support. And our materials are specifically designed to help you showcase both your natural talents and your PhD expertise so you attract the attention of leading companies.

As A Interdisciplinary PhD, You Can Transition Into An Industry Role

You earned your PhD with knowledge and hard work.

Achieving an industry position is no different.

You have the work ethic to make this happen.

You simply need targeted, laser-focused information about the industry mindset.

We’re here to decrease your learning curve.

And our goal is the same as yours: securing that coveted industry position.

We’ve done it.

We’ve helped other Interdisciplinary PhDs do it.

And you can do it too.

We’re inviting you to join the Cheeky Scientist Association Diamond Program.

Now is the time to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.


There was a time when getting a Interdisciplinary PhD was a thing of glory. It was deeply challenging to obtain an advanced degree, but once you had it, career success was inevitable. You were treated as valuable in academia.

But this is no longer the case.

For most Interdisciplinary PhD students and postdocs, tenured professorship is a lie. Day in and day out, Interdisciplinary PhDs exhaust themselves and allow academia to chip away at their mental and emotional wellbeing. The Interdisciplinary PhDs Career Library is not satisfied with this trend. We are dedicated to showing PhDs something they have forgotten about themselves…

Their incredible value.

Industry needs what Interdisciplinary PhDs have to offer, and we have the resources you need to change your life with a high-paying, top-level industry career that fulfills you personally and professionally. It’s time to remember your value as an Interdisciplinary PhD and take your career into your own hands.

The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library Guarantees You Will Get Hired Into Industry No Matter Your PhD Research Niche Or Target Industry Position…

…The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library can translate your field of study into an industry position that will provide professional and personal fulfillment.

Your PhD has given you the academic foundation that’s critical for securing these jobs.

But the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library can help you prove that fact to employers.

We’ll give you information that’s uniquely relevant to Interdisciplinary PhDs – not life sciences, engineering, physical science, or any other field.

The result is intensive, concentrated mentoring that reveals how to integrate your academic background, your transferable experience, and your knowledge of the field into behaviors that will help you land your dream position.

When You Join The Association’s Diamond Program, You’re Joining A Program Designed Around Experience That Helped Other PhDs Land Their Industry Jobs

The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library was built on tried and true principles that other Interdisciplinary PhDs used to land their positions.

The program is run by other PhDs who got their degrees in the humanities, social science, and art and have now landed industry positions. These PhDs know which abilities you’ll need to leverage to improve your chances of being hired.

On top of that, the expertise you’ll learn in the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library were those that other PhDs just like you used to land their first industry position, including a wide array of roles.

Now that these professionals have used their experience to successfully transition into industry, they can look back on what helped them secure their job.

The Interdisciplinary PhD Group Provides Targeted Support

Joining the Association’s Diamond Program lets you tap into targeted support from the industry professionals who oversee the program and former students who’ve now landed industry positions.

In the privacy of the online group, you’ll be able to ask questions about your resume, gain insights into interview experiences from transitioned professionals, and interact with like-minded PhDs. That means you can engage in conversations on questions, topics, and challenges relevant to your desired position.

This group is also exclusive. Only Cheeky Scientist members can see and respond to the messages in the private group.

The exclusivity of the group allows you to freely share ideas with fellow PhDs, request referrals from other professionals, and get the advice you need when you encounter challenges.

You’ll get immediate access to a top industry professional network exclusively for PhDs once you join…

Here’s The Targeted Mentoring You’ll Receive From The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library…

Module 1 – Importance Of A Transition Plan

This module explores the importance of having a transition plan to get out of academia and into an industry position. We also discuss why there is no future for Interdisciplinary PhDs in academia and set the foundations you need to understand your value in industry and start thinking about the steps you have to take to start your industry job search.

Module 2 – Know Your Abilities And Options

This module explores the most relevant transferable knowledge that Interdisciplinary PhDs develop during their time in grad school and why these are so important for different industry positions. This module also discusses the concepts of partial and full pivot when it comes to your industry transition, as well as the specific industry positions where you can find rewarding careers. After going through Module 2, you will have a better understanding of the careers available to you and which are a better fit, so you can start setting up your job search strategy.

Module 3 – Mastering The Industry Mindset

This module takes a deep dive into the importance of a targeted LinkedIn profile, resume, and cover letter and how to craft each of them to ensure you wow industry employers. This module will show what to include (and what not to include) on your LinkedIn profile and resume to demonstrate your credibility as an industry professional. We will also cover some tips to increase your visibility on LinkedIn. Module 3 will teach you how to craft a resume and cover letter that will convince employers that you are a top job candidate. We will show you how to move from a resume that describes your previous job duties to one that showcases your quantifiable achievements and gives prospective employers confidence that you will produce in your target role.

Module 4 – Networking & Interviewing

This module provides instruction on the ins and outs of networking, informational interviews, and referrals. You’ll learn the right way to approach new connections that will help you grow and diversify your network. We also explain the best approaches to phone, video, and in-person interviews. You’ll learn how to prepare for each step of the interview process and how to respond to a variety of interview questions. At the end of this module, you will know how to leverage your network in your job search and how to prepare for different interview settings to ensure you land your dream position.

As Soon As You Join The Association’s Diamond Program, You Will Also Get Immediate Access To The Following…

  • A complete guide that provides practical information on the steps Interdisciplinary PhDs should follow to set up their job search strategy, relevant positions, activities that will help you transition, and more. You’ll enter the job search knowing exactly what you’re looking for and the expectations of your future employer.
    • The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library provides a step-by-step process that you can follow to ensure you succeed in your job search. You will have access to a network of like-minded PhDs, which will break the isolation you are probably feeling in academia and will help you realize you are not a failure for wanting to leave.
    • Discover what kind of position would best suit your academic background and personal interests and get important information on how to approach professionals that will help you get into those positions. Insider tips will help you make savvy decisions as you get to know more about the industry roles available to you.
    • At the end of each workbook, you will find specific activities that you can do to break down your job search process into actionable goals to decrease your learning curve.
  • Detailed information on what industry employers are looking for, so you know how to talk to them and show them your value. As a Non-STEM PhD, you have a lot to offer to companies in different industries and positions, you just need to change your mentality and learn how to show yourself as an industry professional.
    • The Interdisciplinary PhD community is specially designed to help Interdisciplinary PhDs with the mind shift change from academia to industry. The materials, activities, and the private group will help you change your mindset and how you portray yourself.
    • Gain important insight into the different positions available for you, the types of companies you can work for, and how to approach each of them through networking and research.
    • Discover how to translate your current knowledge of human society into questions that will impress your future company. The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library provides important advice to help you showcase your knowledge and passion for your target field.
  • Access to a private online group – an exclusive circle of Interdisciplinary PhDs either currently working in industry or wanting to transition – where you can communicate about important topics, request referrals, and ask for the input of other Interdisciplinary PhDs. Only members of Cheeky Scientist are allowed access to this group.
    • Gain guidance from transitioned Interdisciplinary PhDs on your upcoming interview, your newly created resume, or your recent job offer. They’ve been where you are and can provide advice that’s targeted for your specific needs and questions.
    • Enjoy meaningful conversations with other PhDs in the group. Discuss the latest development in your job search, your current challenges, and more. Learn from PhDs who’ve made the transition and ask for referrals.
    • Leverage the private group to find like-minded PhDs interested in industry positions. Find members by their name, location, target position, or other characteristics to aid your job search.
  • Comprehensive mentoring that takes you from understanding the industry mindset to securing your first job. After laying a thorough foundation for your transition plan, the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library will cover everything from networking to how to practice for your job interviews so you’re prepared for the hiring process.
    • Over the course of four modules, you’ll enjoy information-packed workbooks, numerous informational videos from Interdisciplinary PhDs currently working in industry, and exams to help you cement the concepts covered. The career library is a crash course on what you need to know to improve your chances of securing a position.
    • Discover effective techniques for successfully pinpointing the best companies, targeting your resume for your dream industry position, conducting informational interviews, and more. The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library will show you how to tailor your job search so that you secure an offer from your target company.
    • Discover the career options available to Interdisciplinary PhDs. With the career library, you’ll be able to look ahead to the future opportunities your new mindset may create.
  • What you need to know about communication as a successful industry professional, no matter your level of extraversion. The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library will underscore the communication techniques that will make a positive impression on your future company and will uniquely qualify you for the role.
    • Gain critical insights into the experience needed to successfully transition from your PhD student or postdoc work to life as an industry professional. No matter your target position, the career library will show you how to showcase the abilities that will get you hired.
    • Discover what hiring managers are looking for during interviews. With the Interdisciplinary PhD career library, you’ll get important tips for how to behave so you distinguish yourself from other candidates.
  • Extensive resources that will help you go through the transition process in-depth.
    • The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library provides instant access to extensive video content from Interdisciplinary PhDs currently working in industry. You’ll also gain workbooks, video transcripts, and resume templates for different industry positions.
    • The end of each module provides an exam to solidify the concepts you’ve learned during the course. The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library will also provide monthly webinars on important topics relevant to your industry job search.

The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library Can Pay For Itself In 3 Days Or Less.

The Industry Positions Interdisciplinary PhDs Transition Into Have You Earning Over $1,500 Per Week And Over $200 Per Day…

If joining the Association’s Diamond Program puts you in the field even one week faster, the investment will have been worth it.

After that one payment, you’ll have access to all Cheeky Scientist resources, and once you secure your position, you can share your insights with other PhDs like you.

The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library Includes An Ongoing Board Validation To Ensure You Are Always Validated As An Industry-Validated PhD

The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library was created and is maintained by a board of Interdisciplinary PhDs currently working in industry.

As such, each module includes a board-supervised exam, and once you pass all the exams, you will receive validation from our board.

Get Access To The Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library & Network

If you’re determined to transition into industry and you’ve chosen the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library to make that happen, we’d like to welcome you.

As fellow PhDs in the humanities, social sciences, and arts who oversee the Interdisciplinary PhD Career Library at the Cheeky Scientist Association, we know firsthand the challenges you face, the questions you have, and the information you’ll need to succeed.

We’re ready to empower you to make the transition, and we hope to meet you in the private group soon.

To your success,

The Interdisciplinary PhDs at the Cheeky Scientist Association

Regina Gonda, PhD

Senior Methodology Consultant at UX studio

Christopher Lirette, PhD, MFA

Senior User Experience Researcher at the Home Depot

Gurlovleen K Rathore, PhD

Evaluation Officer at STEM Advocacy Institute (SAi)

Robert Low, PhD

Exhibit Developer at Gyroscope Inc

Sheniqua Banks, PhD

Certified Independent Leadership Coach, Speaker, Trainer ay John C. Maxwell Company

Tanya Henderson, PhD

Research Development Program Director, Justice Institue Of British Columbia

Dion Gnanakkan, PhD

Information Systems And Technology Specialist at Urbar Teachers

Martina Thomas, PhD

Data and Evaluation Manager At United Way of Central Alabama

Tushi Baul

Quantitative UX Researcher at Facebook

We help PhDs from every discipline get into many different types of careers, including Interdisciplinary.

We show you how to leverage the skills you already have to get hired into a myriad of industry jobs, including Interdisciplinary.

We show you how to get the job, not how to do the job because each company has their own proprietary systems and will teach you how to do the job through on-the-job training.

But, before you can get this training, you have to get hired first.

That’s where we come in.

We will guide you on how to use your PhD to get hired into Interdisciplinary.