Engineering PhD Circle

Welcome To The Engineering PhD Career Track

The premier job search mentoring platform designed specifically for Engineering PhDs

Engineering Career Track

Engineering PhDs like you are undervalued in academia and invisible to industry employers 

…but you can get hired into a high-paying industry job that allows you to do meaningful work.

Here's What You Get Immediate Access To When You Join the Cheeky Scientist Association Diamond Program...

“The Engineering Career Track is a very exciting initiative from Cheeky Scientist aimed at Engineering PhDs hoping to transition to industry. The program is well structured and provides different types of materials to help engineering PhDs build their own transition plan step by step. It is also easy to follow and very descriptive without requiring huge amounts of time to be completed.”

“The Engineering Career Track is a very constructive program for any Engineering PhD navigating a transition into industry. The modules provided are nicely designed, easily digestible and allow members to make their way through them at their own pace. Most importantly, each module provides positive insights and actionable steps for members to follow, each of them getting them a step closer to a career in industry.”

“The Engineering Career Track explores a range of positions available to Engineering PhDs and gives them the ability to engage with these options, assimilate the materials, and relate them to their own wants and experiences. After spending 4+ years researching a single PhD topic, it can seem like one’s scope is narrow, but the mentoring highlights just how many different careers Engineering PhDs have access to, building on their specific skills and expertise. Crucially, the Engineering Career Track also addresses the importance of networking in Engineering PhDs’ job search, which will be an idea familiar to many but one that bears repeating as it goes against the ‘lone-wolf’ culture cultivated in academia. Networking doesn’t have to be scary or awkward, through the mentoring, members learn how to initiate conversations instead of just applying to jobs online, don’t interesting discussions with peers sound better than filling in countless webpages?”

Don’t Ignore The Facts

Like all PhDs, you were probably told that earning a Ph.D. would provide you with security. You believed your degree would get you the rewarding career and lifestyle you always wanted. People would admire and respect you because you worked hard and became a doctor, something that less than 2% of the population will ever do.

In reality, 43% of PhD students won’t even GET their PhD within 10 years of starting graduate school. Somehow, PhDs have ended up stuck with a career and lifestyle that are less than they imagined. The amount of Engineering PhDs awarded each year has continuously increased over the last two decades, while job openings specific to their study continue to drop.

Definite employment commitments in academe in the United States, by broad field of study: 2000 and 2019

“The materials contained in the Engineering Career Track concisely and systematically outline career opportunities available to Engineering PhDs. The program is particularly insightful for PhDs who do not yet have a grasp of the breadth of options available for people with their backgrounds, and it really forces them to slow down and put some thought into their transition. Once members have identified their career of choice, The career track gives them a concrete plan of action to follow with regards to networking and preparing their resumes, for example, which will be integral to their success in their job search.”

“The Engineering Career Track provides a set of materials that will help engineering PhDs learn about career options and become more strategic about the specific knowledge they will need to land their dream industry position. Members who follow the modules will surely accelerate their transition. I’m so glad that such an option exists now for engineering PhDs.”

Hello, Engineering PhD Or PhD Candidate…

  • Are you spending long hours in academia unsure of what to do with your PhD?
  • Have you tried to explore career options for professionals with your expertise only to find that you don’t know where to start?
  • Have you spent time looking at several industry job postings only to end up feeling overqualified and underqualified at the same time?
  • Have you been attending networking events and reaching out to people on LinkedIn but not getting any responses?

Here's The Hard Truth That PhDs Must Face...

1. There is No Future For Engineering PhDs In Academia

36,000 STEM PhDs are awarded each year. Meanwhile, only 3,000 STEM faculty positions are created (Nature Biotechnology).

68,000 postdocs in the U.S. alone are waiting for tenured professorships (The Economist).

Only 12.2% of Engineering PhDs secure employment in academia by their graduation date. These levels are the lowest among STEM PhDs (NSF).

2. The COVID pandemic and current recession have increased competition for jobs.

There has been a 3X increase in the number of PhDs who have had to apply for food stamps, unemployment, or other government assistance because of the current recession (NPR).

50% of those who lost a job due to the pandemic are still unemployed (Pew Research Center).

The world unemployment rate for advanced economies climbed from 4.8% to 7.3% in 2020 (International Monetary Fund).

3. Most Engineering PhDs must change their mindset and job search approach to get hired.

Up to 85% of jobs are filled by networking (LinkedIn). Meanwhile, less than 15% of positions are filled through job boards (US News).

47% of PhDs cite not knowing what careers to target as the #1 sticking point in their job search (Recruiter).

57% of industry leaders say transferable skills are more important than technical skills (Fast Company), but over 50% of job seekers don’t know how to articulate their transferable skills during the hiring process (Forbes).

Change Your Perspective

Imagine getting ready to defend your thesis or leave your postdoc and having dozens of jobs waiting for you—competing for you.

What would that be like?

If you don’t change your old perspective and strategy, it will never happen.

If you don’t change your old perspective and strategy, nothing will ever change.

No matter where you are in your career, it’s not too late to get into a high-paying job that allows you to leverage your specific PhD background and unique skills.

There is a widespread belief that Engineering PhDs have narrow job prospects outside of academia or aren’t qualified for roles outside their specific subject area. This is not true. PhDs in a variety of engineering disciplines have been securing coveted industry jobs for a long time (NSF).

No Matter Your Academic Background, You Can Transition Into A Variety Of Rewarding Industry Positions

The Engineering Career Track Is A Private Group Of Engineering PhDs Who Want To Transition Into Industry Or Are Currently Working In Different Industry Positions

Our exclusive group is private and provides several PhD mentors with diverse engineering backgrounds and working in diverse industry positions, ensuring we can provide personalized guidance.

The specialized mentoring and private group support you by filling in your knowledge gaps about industry positions and their hiring processes.

In the private group, Engineering PhDs currently working in the industry are committed to serving this intimate community.

This means you’ll enjoy a high ratio of mentors to members.

You’ll appreciate the personalized guidance and swift feedback you receive in the Engineering Career Track.

This Career Track Is Designed For PhDs Who Want To…

  • Get information and community support for their industry job search.
  • Learn how to write a resume and CV that gets a response from hiring managers.
  • Improve their interviewing knowledge.
  • Optimize their LinkedIn profile for their target industry position.
  • Identify industry positions that fit their circumstances, interests, and goals.
  • Know what options they have outside of their niche subject area.
  • Obtain protocols for networking to accelerate their transition.

The Engineering Career Track Mission

In the Engineering Career Track, we’re committed to supporting you on your journey to landing a top industry position. 

Our program provides proven strategies for success. It contains extensive mentoring designed by practicing industry professionals, current resume templates, and personalized guidance from Engineering PhDs who have already transitioned into top industry roles.

We understand why you want to make an industry career transition.

You want to translate your specific knowledge into innovative insights.

You want to find a job that provides stability and fulfillment.

But here’s the reality…

You are currently invisible to industry employers, and you need a robust job search strategy to break into your target industry.

Our goal is to help you reach yours.

The information we’re providing—from mentoring videos to resumes—focuses specifically on Engineering PhDs.

They provide insights into industry roles that you will find nowhere else.

The Engineering Career Track was built by industry professionals who were once in your situation. They can provide you with the tools and advice you need to achieve your job search objectives.

In the Engineering Career Track, we provide extensive mentoring and personalized support. And our materials are specifically designed to help you showcase both your natural talents and your PhD expertise so you attract the attention of top companies.

As An Engineering PhD, You Can Transition Into An Industry Role

You earned your PhD with knowledge and hard work.

Achieving an industry position is no different.

You have the work ethic to make this happen.

You simply need targeted, laser-focused information about the industry mindset.

We’re here to decrease your learning curve.

And our goal is the same as yours: securing that coveted industry position.

We’ve done it.

We’ve helped other Engineering PhDs do it.

And you can do it too.

We’re inviting you to join the Association’s Diamond Program.

Now is the time to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

“The Engineering Career Track has a lot of great materials that will help engineering PhDs to say goodbye to academia forever and transition into a fulfilling industry position. By following the mentoring program, members learn how to prepare for potential interview questions, realize what knowledge employers are looking for in an ideal candidate, and how to target a resume for any job and use informational interviews to increase the likelihood of getting hired in your target role. All of which will make a candidate more competitive in the job market. The Engineering Career Track also provides a list of industry positions that engineering PhDs can explore if they plan their transition into industry.”

“The Engineering Career Track will help PhDs wanting to transition out of academia to clearly understand various qualities of his/her own personality, strengths, and weaknesses ,0which is extremely important before embarking into a transition journey. This program allows engineering PhDs to understand what are the opportunities available in industry, how a career can be rewarding, and how to select a suitable career path based on his/her interests. Finally, the mentoring guides candidates to develop a suitable job search strategy, which is essential for a successful transition into industry.”


There was a time when earning an Engineering PhD guaranteed career success. The skills, dedication, and work required to obtain a PhD in Engineering were widely recognized. Engineering PhDs were automatically valued.

But this is no longer the case.

Most Engineering PhDs face challenges in their job searches. While working on their degrees, Engineering PhDs exhaust themselves and allow academia to chip away at their wellbeing. Meanwhile, academia offers little guidance on translating Engineering PhD skills and experience for the job market. The Engineering Career Track is not satisfied with this trend. We are dedicated to showing PhDs something they have forgotten about themselves…

Their incredible value.

The industry needs what Engineering PhDs have to offer. We have the resources you need to change your life with a rewarding and fulfilling industry career. It’s time to remember your value as an Engineering PhD and take your career into your own hands.

The Engineering Career Track Guarantees You Will Get Hired Into Industry No Matter Your PhD Research Niche Or Target Industry Position…

…The Engineering Career Track can translate your field of study into an industry position that will provide professional and personal fulfillment.

Your PhD has prepared you to become a top performer in the industry.

The Engineering Career Track can help you prove that fact to employers.

We’ll give you information that’s uniquely relevant to Engineering PhDs – not life sciences, humanities, social sciences, or any other field.

Our program guides you how to combine your academic background, your transferable knowledge, and your knowledge of the field into behaviors that will help you land your target position.

When You Join The Association’s Diamond Program, You’re Joining A Program Designed Around Skills That Helped Other PhDs Land Their Industry Jobs

The Engineering Career Track was built on tried and true principles that other Engineering PhDs used to land their positions.

The program is run by other Engineering PhDs who have already secured industry positions. These PhDs know which knowledge you’ll need to leverage to improve your chances of being hired.

These PhDs developed familiarity with industry standards and the wide array of roles available in the industry through the Engineering Career Track, and they used this information to land their first industry positions.

Now that these professionals have transitioned, they can easily identify the information and practices that served them best in their job search.

The Private Group Provides Targeted Support

When you join the Association’s Diamond Program, you tap into targeted support from the industry professionals who oversee the program and fellow members who have already landed industry positions.

In the privacy of the online group, you’ll be able to ask questions about your resume, gain insights into interviews, and interact with like-minded PhDs. You can engage in conversations on topics and challenges relevant to your desired position with those best situated to understand your perspective and needs.

This group is also exclusive. Only Cheeky Scientist members can see and respond to the messages in the private group.

The exclusivity of the group allows you to freely share ideas with fellow Engineering PhDs, request referrals from other professionals, and get the advice you need when you encounter challenges.

You’ll get immediate access to a top industry professional network exclusively for PhDs once you join…

Here’s The Targeted Mentoring You’ll Receive From The Engineering Career Track…

Module 1 –  Your Journey Into Industry

You need the right mindset and a proven job search strategy to transition into the industry. This module covers…

  • Job Search Motivation. This module presents 11 reasons why you should expect a satisfying future industry role; the reasons that resonate most with you will propel your job search.
  • Finding Your Strengths. You’ll learn 7 questions you should ask yourself to identify your strengths so you can target a role that uses them.
  • Personality Traits And Your Career. This module outlines 4 dichotomous categories and 3 action-driving “centers” you can use to gain fresh a perspective on how you work best. 
  • PhD Job Search Strategy. You’ll find out how you should allocate your time among the 4 main job search components for optimal job search efficiency. 

Module 2 – Know Your Options

Your Engineering PhD qualifies you for more top careers than you may realize. This module covers…

  • Career Tracks For Engineering PhDs. This module organizes the most suitable jobs for Engineering PhDs into 3 tracks based on primary function.
  • Research And Development Careers. There are 14 jobs for those who favor designing research projects, conducting experiments and collecting data.
  • Information And Data Management Careers. You’ll learn about 8 roles that are ideal for Engineering PhDs who enjoy creating data infrastructure, analyzing data, and articulating data-driven insights.
  • Sales And Marketing Careers. This module features 4 roles for those who thrive on interpersonal activities such as relationship building and interacting with customers.

Module 3 – Finding The Perfect Fit

You know your technical skills, but you also need to know your transferable skills to secure a job offer. This module covers…

  • Why Transferable Skills Matter. You’ll discover how the 2 types of transferable skills count as experience for roles that aren’t explicitly in your work history.
  • Transferable Skills. This module presents 25 in-demand transferable skills and explains how your PhD work showcases them.
  • Personal Skills. There are 7 personal skills that most Engineering PhDs have that can set them apart from other job candidates.
  • Additional Mentoring And Career Track Validation. This module directs you to 14 additional courses for those wanting to further boost their professional profile for their target position.

Module 4 – Networking & Interviewing

Few Engineering PhD programs provides guidance for personal branding in the job market. This module covers…

  • Resume. You’ll master the 3 parts of compelling bullet point construction and the 5 components of modern resumes.
  • LinkedIn. This module describes the 13 LinkedIn profile sections and how to craft each so that your LinkedIn stands out.
  • Networking. This module demystifies networking by presenting 5 accessible networking outlets and explicit strategies for using them.
  • Interviews. You’ll learn the 3 interview stages and 10 questions employers use to screen Engineering PhD job candidates.

As Soon As You Join The Association’s Diamond Program, You Will Also Get Immediate Access To The Following…

  • A practical protocol that Engineering PhDs should follow to set up their job search strategy, perform the necessary transition activities for their target roles, and more. You’ll enter the job search knowing exactly what you’re looking for and what your future employer expects.
    • The Engineering Career Track provides a step-by-step process that you can follow to ensure you succeed in your job search. You will have access to a network of like-minded PhDs to help you replace the negative mindset you may have developed in academia with one that will empower your job search. 
    • Discover what kind of position would best suit your academic background and personal interests. Get insider tips on how to market yourself for these positions and approach professionals that will help you transition into them.
    • At the end of each workbook, you will find 4-11 activities that break down your job search process into actionable goals to help you stay on track without getting overwhelmed.
  • Detailed information on what industry employers are looking for, so you know how to demonstrate your value to them. As an Engineering PhD, you have much to offer industry. You just need to change your mindset and learn how to articulate your record of achievements to non-specialists.
    • The Engineering community is specially designed to help Engineering PhDs learn to market themselves for their desired industry transition. The materials, activities, and the private group will help you change your mindset and how you portray yourself in the job hunt.
    • Gain important insight into the different positions available for you, the types of companies and industry sectors you can work in, and how to break into your target role.
    • Discover how to translate your engineering expertise into questions that will impress your future company. The Engineering Career Track provides important advice to help you showcase your knowledge and passion for your target field.
  • Access to a private online group – an exclusive group of Engineering PhDs either currently working in industry or wanting to transition – where you can communicate about important topics and network with Engineering PhDs. Only members of Cheeky Scientist are allowed access to this group.
    • Obtain guidance for Engineering PhDs currently in top industry roles on your upcoming interview, your newly created resume, or your recent job offer. These PhDs have been where you are now and can provide advice that’s targeted for your specific needs and questions.
    • Enjoy meaningful conversations with other PhDs in the group. Discuss the latest developments in your job search, your current challenges, and more. Learn from PhDs who’ve made the transition and ask for referrals.
    • Leverage the private group to find like-minded PhDs interested in industry positions. Find members by their name, location, target position, or other characteristics to aid your job search.
  • Comprehensive mentoring that takes you from understanding the industry mindset to securing your first job. The Engineering Career Track provides a strong foundation for your transition plan and covers everything you need to prepare for the hiring process. 
    • Throughout four modules, you’ll enjoy information-packed workbooks, numerous videos featuring Engineering PhDs currently working in industry, and exams to help you cement the concepts covered. This is a crash course on what you need to know to improve your chances of securing a position.
    • Learn effective techniques for identifying the best companies, tailoring your resume for your target industry position, conducting informational interviews, and more. The Engineering Career Track will show you how to execute your job search so that you secure a satisfactory offer.
    • Discover career advancement paths for Engineering PhDs. With the Engineering Career Track, you’ll be able to look ahead to the future moves your transition will enable you to make.
  • What you need to know about communicating your value in industry regardless of your level of extraversion. The mentoring will assist you with the communication techniques proven to leave a favorable impression with employers.
    • Gain critical insights into the knowledge needed to successfully transition from your PhD student or postdoc work to life as an industry professional. No matter your target position, the mentoring will show you how to showcase the knowledge that will get you hired.
    • Find out what hiring managers are looking for during interviews. With the Engineering Career Track, you’ll get important tips for how to behave so you distinguish yourself from other candidates.
  • Extensive resources that cover the transition process in-depth.
    • The mentoring provides instant access to extensive video library from Engineering PhDs currently working in industry. You’ll also gain workbooks, video transcripts, and resume templates for different industry positions.
    • Test your learning with 10 exam questions after each module. The Engineering Career Track will also provide monthly webinars on important topics relevant to your industry job search.

The Engineering Career Track Can Pay For Itself In 3 Days Or Less.

The Industry Positions Engineering PhDs Transition Into Have You Earning Over $1,500 Per Week And Over $200 Per Day…

If joining the Association’s Diamond Program puts you in the field even one week faster, the investment will have been worth it.

After that one payment, you’ll have access to all the Cheeky Scientist materials, and once you secure your position, you can share your insights with other PhDs like you.

The Engineering Career Track Includes An Ongoing Board Validation To Ensure You Are Always Prepared As An Industry-Trained PhD

The Engineering Career Track was created and is maintained by a board of Engineering PhDs currently working in industry.

As such, each module includes a board-reviewed exam, and once you pass all the exams, you will receive a note of validation from our board.

Get Access To Engineering Program & Network

If you’re determined to transition into industry and you’ve chosen the Engineering Career Track to make that happen, we’d like to welcome you.

As fellow engineering PhDs who oversee the Engineering Career Track at the Cheeky Scientist Association, we know firsthand the challenges you face, the questions you have, and the information you’ll need to succeed.

We’re ready to empower you to make the transition, and we hope to meet you in the private group soon.

To your success,

The Engineering PhDs at the Cheeky Scientist Association

Engineering Career Track Board Members

Rubenka Bandyopadhyay, PhD

Senior Analyst at Abt Associates

Amy Beaird, PhD

CBIR Proposal Support at Amy Beaird Consulting

Anastasia Papadopoulou, PhD

Formulation Scientist at GSK

Nick Ross, PhD

Sr. R&D S&E, Electrical Engineer at Sandia National

Paul J. Mlynarczyk, PhD, PE

Senior Analyst, Post Market Surveillance at Johnson & Johnson

Saud Khalid, PhD

Associate Researcher at Chinese Academy Of Sciences

Shantanu Pal, PhD

Principal Engineer at Globalfoundries

Yahfi Talukdar, PhD

Territory Manager At Johnson & Johnson

Brittney McKenzie, PhD

Mechanical Engineer at Inventech

Ziya Erdem, PhD, MBA

Project Architect at PreScouter

Jaesik Hahn, PhD

Sr Systems Performace Engineer at ASML

We help PhDs from every discipline get into many different types of careers, including Engineering.

We show you how to leverage the skills you already have to get hired into a myriad of industry jobs, including Engineering.

We show you how to get the job, not how to do the job because each company has their own proprietary systems and will teach you how to do the job through on-the-job training.

But, before you can get this training, you have to get hired first.

That’s where we come in.

We will guide you on how to use your PhD to get hired into Engineering.