Expert Sequencing

“I developed the Expert Sequencing (ExSeq) program modules to provide a platform to the learners, irrespective of their scientific background to get a holistic understanding of the field and its intricate concepts. Having a dedicated NGS platform will help members to focus on the subject, improve their knowledge, and clarify respective sequencing and computational analysis queries on the projects pursued by them in labs anywhere in the world.” — Deepak Kumar, PhD, Advanced - Application Engineer (Bioinformatics) At Agilent Technologies And Founder Of Expert Sequencing

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What other PhDs are saying about Expert Sequencing.

“The Expert Sequencing (ExSeq) pogram provides the necessary information on how to design an NGS experiment. For those starting to use NGS as a research tool, this program will accelerate your understanding of this critical technique and help you get the most out of your experiments.”

“The program includes a fair number of useful guidelines for successful experimental design and recognizing/overcoming sources of error. From experience, I can tell you that having such a resource in one place would have saved me many months of trial and error over the years.”

“The different methods of RNA and DNA sequencing are well put together and are comprehensive. This is a critical aspect of NGS/omics that people often disregard.”

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