PhD Transition Challenge VIP

“I’m excited to have you as a Power Of A PhD Career Transition Challenge VIP. As a VIP, we’ll meet privately before each Challenge session to create your job search strategy, review and update your current resume, review and update your LinkedIn profile, and much more. The team and I will complete your new resume for you as well. You’ll also get 2 months of free access to our Career Vault Resume Builder software and our network of 17,000+ industry PhDs. You’ll get lifetime access to our LinkedIn Mastery program and all the Challenge recordings. If you’re in the U.S., I’ll ship you a free copy of my book too. Welcome to VIP!” — Isaiah Hankel, Ph.D., Cheeky Scientist

Billing details

What other PhDs are saying about being a PhD Transition Challenge VIP.

“At the beginning of my search my mental attitude was poor. I thought I would never escape the label of a lifetime academic and that my PhD background, age, lack of industry experience and current employment status would keep me from getting into my dream industry job. I really was at an all-time low. When I came to the Cheeky Scientist PhD Transition Challenge, my spirits were lifted, and my attitude improved. I knew that I was going to learn solid job search strategies, but Isaiah and the team really outdid themselves. In particular, the VIP sessions really helped me get the customized help I needed. I walked away confident and with a game plan to get hired and that’s exactly what happened - now I’m in a Senior role in industry.”

“I love the amount of support I received in the Transition Challenge as a VIP. The Cheeky Scientist community became very precious to me and my success after the Challenge too. I used the Functional Format of the resume that I learned how to use during this time for the job I ended up getting hired into. One of the things it helped me do was communicate my skills so employers could understand my value. Before I was just using an academic resume that was unreadable to industry hiring managers.”

“As a Transition Challenge VIP, I learned how to present myself during my job search; humanize myself. The biggest area that I made gains was during the interview process. I wasn’t really engaging the interviewer. Instead I was only asking a few questions. The Challenge taught me that I really needed to ask many questions - 20 or 30, and that they got excited by this. I began to feel comfortable asking lots of questions and exerting my engagement during the interview process, and that led me to getting hired.”

Your order

PhD Transition Challenge VIP
1-Hour Personalized Backstage VIP Sessions w/Isaiah
Resume Service - Resume Written For You
LinkedIn Mastery - Lifetime
Challenge Recordings & VIP Recordings
Career Vault - 2 Months Included
$27.00 / month with a 2-month free trial
The Power of A PhD Book - Free Shipping (US Only)
Cart Subtotal $27.00
Initial Shipment
Order Total $27.00
Recurring totals
Subtotal $27.00 / month
Recurring total $27.00 / month
First renewal: November 7, 2024