Get Hired Challenge VIP

“I'm excited to have you as a Get Hired Challenge VIP. As a VIP, you get all recordings of the live sessions and our free VIP bonuses including a free copy of my bestselling book “Black Hole Focus,”, 30 Days of free access to the Career Vault Resume Builder so you can create the perfect, targeted Chronological and Functional resumes for your job search, and lifetime access to our LinkedIn Mastery Ring so you can upgrade your LinkedIn profile to industry standards. Welcome to VIP!” — Isaiah Hankel, PhD, Founder and CEO, Cheeky Scientist

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What other Degree Holders are saying about being a Get Hired Challenge VIP.

“At the beginning of my search my mental attitude was poor. I thought I would never escape the label of a lifetime academic and that my PhD background, age, lack of industry experience and current employment status would keep me from getting into my dream industry job. I really was at an all-time low. When I came to the Cheeky Scientist Challenge, my spirits were lifted, and my attitude improved. I knew that I was going to learn solid job search strategies, but Isaiah and the team really outdid themselves. In particular, the VIP sessions really helped me get the customized help I needed. I walked away confident and with a game plan to get hired and that’s exactly what happened - now I’m in a Senior role in industry.”

“I love the amount of support I received in the Challenge as a VIP. The Cheeky Scientist community became very precious to me and my success after the Challenge too. I used the Functional Format of the resume that I learned how to use during this time for the job I ended up getting hired into. One of the things it helped me do was communicate my skills so employers could understand my value. Before I was just using an academic resume that was unreadable to industry hiring managers.”

“As a Challenge VIP, I learned how to present myself during my job search; humanize myself. The biggest area that I made gains was during the interview process. I wasn’t really engaging the interviewer. Instead I was only asking a few questions. The Challenge taught me that I really needed to ask many questions - 20 or 30, and that they got excited by this. I began to feel comfortable asking lots of questions and exerting my engagement during the interview process, and that led me to getting hired.”

Your order

Get Hired Challenge VIP Recordings & Bonuses
Get Hired Challenge VIP
Black Hole Focus Book - Free Shipping
LinkedIn Mastery - Lifetime
Career Vault Subscription
$27.00 / month with 1 month free trial
Cart Subtotal $27.00
Initial Shipment
Order Total $27.00
Recurring totals
Subtotal $27.00 / month
Recurring total $27.00 / month
First renewal: October 7, 2024