Business Development Federation

“The BDF program has a logical structure, which makes it easy to follow. The workbooks go directly to the point and are very professional (as usual from CSA). BDF also offers a private FB group, which will help members to make connections in the Business Development field and get personalized help.” — Gad Sabbatier, PhD, Project Leader in Innivation and Business Development at Sovar

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What other PhDs are saying about Business Development Federation.

“I wish I had access to the BDF materials before starting my current position. The program gives a general and yet very detailed overview of what business development is; how important it is for company growth, development, and annual revenue. The BDF will get PhDs the information they need to successfully transition to this field.”

“The BDF program covers clearly and simply the main notions you need to know and understand for getting into business development. It is a great introduction and clarifies the position and roles within the BD field.”

“The BDF program contains a lot of useful information for PhDs wanting to transition into business development positions. The way it explains Business Development will help many PhDs avoid confusion when setting up their job search strategy.”

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Business Development Federation (BDF) Membership
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